Friday, June 12, 2009

Yard Art

Okay, here's the car in our front yard. We have to rebuild the wall and replace some plants but no one got hurt. There's a lovely little Japanese maple under the back wheels though. I guess it's an excuse to buy plants, right?

Here's Gracie in action. We are in love with her! And it's so fun buy be able to buy her clothes! We got to babysit last Saturday nite so her mom and dad could go on a date.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRIS!!! (Aka-Robbi or Dad-dad-daddio)

Okay, here goes. I am so much more comfortable in front of a sewing machine, or a pile of dirt with a shovel in one hand and a plant in the other. Let's see if I can post something.

I'm a week late but I wanted to start with the cutest guy in the world's birthday. It was a typical day for us over the last couple years--good stuff, great stuff, not so good stuff, but it's all okay if no one has cancer.

And that began his birthday--we went to the oncologist and Kris's latest tests show he wins! Cancer free! Can a day start better than that? On the way home we got a call from our neighbor On Whidbey Island--a 4 year old accidentally put his mom's car into drive (where was the mom?) and drove through our stone wall and the car was now stuck in our front garden. 4 year old was not hurt, missed our house by 3', so everything is okay. Was the 4 year old a boy? Yep.
I can't believe--I added a picture! Okay, so the rest of the day was lovely and included eating Scottie's BBQ pulled pork sandwiches (actually I think Kris had brisket). If you haven't eaten there, it's the best pulled pork. Jamie and I used to plan road trips to Cambria when we wanted pulled pork, and now we can just drive up to Collins and Glassell and eat killer food.
Jamie, Steve, and Gracie came to visit for the weekend which made for a really great birthday weekend.