Monday, November 9, 2009

30th Anniversary In Victoria

This is a quick picture diary of our 30th anniversary. Kris found this lovely B&B in Victoria, on the hill, with a wonderful view of the city and the bay. We had the most charming little suite, and we spent 3 lovely days just playing. We went to Fort Rod Hill, one of the naval forts built around 1900, and explored the bunkers. We also visited Fisgard Lighthouse, built in 1860, the oldest on the western coast. We picnicked at the side of a road that had been built over an old spit--one one side of the road was the ocean and the other was a fresh water lake full of Canada geese and swans. We went to the BC Royal Museum, wandered around the city, and ate wonderful food. We went down to the quay in the evenings and listened to our favorite one man band--banjo, guitar, tambourine, drums, and harmonica. It's a little like watching Red Green singing if you can imagine that--very entertaining! And the ferry ride through the San Juan islands was beautiful. A wonderful trip with the cutest guy in the world.

1 comment:

  1. So fun mama! Your B&B looks adorable. Steve would like that one--it is like the Blue Lantern: enough cuteness to be romantic but not too many florals to offend anyone's manhood. ;) I'm so glad you had fun! It sounds perfect!
