Monday, November 9, 2009

Tile, Tile Everywhere

So, finally I am posting pictures of the Great Tile Projects. I must admit it has taken me this long, not because I am too busy, but because I somehow hate downloading pix of the camera. And a story is so much more fun with a picture. So, I had decided last spring (when poor Kris was laying around watching HGTV during the chemo months) that we should tile the bathrooms when he felt better. He is always so great about my crazy or exhausting ideas, and so in September we decided we would tackle one bathroom a weekend and get all the bathrooms finished before my foot surgery. We started with the downstairs bathroom because it has a cement floor so no backerboard to deal with, and it's the smallest bathroom. We are really happy with how it turned out. You can see it almost finished here.

1 comment:

  1. I hate uploading from the camera too. Or I did until I got my mac. You should get one mom, they're the best. :)
