Monday, November 9, 2009

Tiling Part Deux

Okay, here's what I don't know how to do-
1. Post a picture and then type a paragraph, then add another picture.
2. Get my orchids to bloom more than once.
3. Make gravy without lumps.
4. Go to bed without dessert (well, not really, but I'm not willing to try something so horrid).

Enough of that. Here is a shot of our very own bathroom with marble tile now completed. It is sort of the color of hot chocolate with a little white, brown, and a tiny bit of beigy-rose in it. It was nasty to lay. First poor super-Kris laid the backerboard which had to be cut to the right size, glued then screwed down (at which point Kris's arms were done for). Meanwhile I was in the garage laying the marble tiles out in the pattern we wanted so there would be a sort of flow going on. The tiles weighed 4-5 lbs each. After they were all laid out, we had to carry them up stairs and they were so heavy we could only carry 2 at a time.
And then it was 11p.m. So guess what we did? We decided to go for it and lay the tile. And we did it but we were so dang tired at 3a.m. when we finally got to bed. We are too old for this stuff. We keep forgetting we're not in our 20's anymore. The next day we grouted. And the next weekend we did Tyler's bathroom (you will notice there is no picture and no explanation as to why). It did turn out well, and we were so glad we had done our very hard bath first. So the tile is finished for now anyway.

So here's what I can do-
1. Help my very nice husband lay tile
2. Make chocolate chip cookies
3. Plant a garden in zones 5 and 9 (preferring zone 5)
4. Sing, but only in the car
5. Love my kids with my whole heart.
All way more important stuff than what I can't do

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you guys did this yourselves! It looks great!!! Can't wait to see it--AND YOU!!!!--in a month!!!
