Monday, November 9, 2009

Farewell, Frank

Here are my last shots (haha) of Frank. I am happy to announce that Frank has grown up and moved out. He was last seen one Thursday morning before my wonderful gardener Juan came to mow and blow for me. Frank had been checking out the side of the garden with the GATE over the last weeks and I think he was ready to move out into the world. So, hopefully he has met the really cute bunny that lives in my front yard bushes.

He sort of reminded us of our little Maggie, so it was nice to have a bunny hanging around for awhile. Now I am focusing on the birds that we feed--goldfinches, house finches, house sparrows, white crowned sparrows, wrens, a black phoebe, and a hummingbird that is very territorial and even chases butterflies out of her tree.

It's late, I'm off to shower and eat dessert.

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